Friday, February 5, 2010

Dad's favourite photo

Her dad wanted few recent photos of her. I took some snaps at home, she was not co-operated. Then I took her to the park nearby, there also she was in the play mood, she didn't co-operate. I beg, shout, compromise................., she was not ready. I asked her to look at me, but she purposely turned her face all the time, I couldn't control my anger, but I control myself. Because he needed very urgently, if I say anything she would cry....., then I would get dose from him, somehow I managed and took some snaps. While coming I told her I was not her friend and I would not take her anywhere, She didn't bother......,
I thought he would not like those snaps......., offcourse he didn't like any photos except this photo. He kept this in our room, and in his mobile as a wall paper. I am proud to take this snap............